An Evolution in IBD Hatchery Vaccination
MB-1® live attenuated vaccine for Infectious Bursal Disease, was developed from the M.B. strain, adapted for in-ovo or subcutaneous injection in the hatchery.

The MB-1 vaccine provides, on average, 4-day earlier onset of immunity compared to other hatchery vaccines.
The MB-1 vaccine adjusts its release to the individual titer of IBD Maternally Derived Antibodies generating the desired immune response in every chick at the optimal time.
The MB-1 vaccine is safe and does not interfere with the immune response to other vaccines.

Why do we vaccinate against Gumboro disease (IBD)?
Juan Carlos Valladares
Poultry Vaccines Technical Manager

What is the role of MDAs in early
protection against IBD - especially
when using hatchery vaccination?
Charles Costello
Poultry Technical and Marketing Director
MB-1 Mode of Action
How does MB-1 differ from other IBD vaccines?